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Bethan Winn
Dec 5, 20246 min read
Reflections on 2024
"You'll never feel successful unless you create your own definition of success". Sahil Bloom Oof, there's a thought. I found a piece of...
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Bethan Winn
Nov 29, 20242 min read
Your beliefs are bullshit.
Most of your beliefs are bulls***. Don't panic, mine too! And everyone around you 😬 Hear me out. Many beliefs you hold - about yourself,...
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Bethan Winn
Jun 12, 20241 min read
Strategic thinking made simple
Here - There - How... Strategic thinking 101. There's a lot more to it of course, and having some questions up your sleeve can really...
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Bethan Winn
Jan 7, 20241 min read
Are you applying critical thinking to your new year goals?
Whether they are personal or professional, if you've googled "how to achieve X" then no doubt adverts are now stalking you online for...
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Bethan Winn
May 4, 20231 min read
The only constant is change!
'This too shall pass' and 'the only constant is change'. These two phrases have helped me appreciate good times and got me through some...
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Bethan Winn
Apr 24, 20232 min read
How P.A.P.E.R. can help you with AI
How do you train the human to train the AI? That's been on my mind a lot as I've spent countless hours experimenting with and researching...
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Bethan Winn
Dec 31, 20223 min read
Nibble, don't scoff!
I'm busy making plans for 2023. Write a book! Book keynote speaking gigs! Reach out to all my contacts! But they won't be achieved with...
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Bethan Winn
Dec 15, 20224 min read
Reflecting on 2022
2022 has been my biggest business year yet, in terms of impact, value shared and work delivered. It's also brought some behind the scenes...
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Bethan Winn
Sep 14, 20221 min read
Connection and cheese make everything better...
How might we create a culture of innovation in our practice? That was the question this morning for my ALPMA: Australasian Legal...
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Bethan Winn
Aug 16, 20222 min read
7 "influencers" you may have missed...
"Influencers" are everywhere... I don't just mean on social media, I mean anyone we allow to influence our thinking. In my recent talk...
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Bethan Winn
Aug 2, 20221 min read
When does comfort become uncomfortable?
Comfort is lovely. To a point. After that point, it can make you deeply uncomfortable. Unhappy. Unhealthy. Unsatisfied... Challenges and...
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Bethan Winn
Jul 18, 20222 min read
A tale of two homes
Last year Mr Winn and I looked at a house to buy. It was beautiful – new build, looking over a park, close to a great school, five...
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Bethan Winn
Aug 13, 20202 min read
When Design Thinking specialist, Liv O’Connor, and I met with no agenda, no objectives, no pitch, we found so many synergies and...
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Bethan Winn
May 5, 20201 min read
Lateral Thinking aka Creative Problem Solving
Two more squares can isolate each dog - can you solve the puzzle? (Feel free to message me with your answer - I'll tell you next week!)...
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Bethan Winn
Apr 8, 20203 min read
39 ways to change the energy on a Zoom call
Resting zoom face has kicked in. You've lost your 'zoom room'. The questions fell flat. Someone is trying to figure out that photo behind...
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Bethan Winn
Mar 29, 20202 min read
How to focus (when you'd much rather be doing something else...)
You know when you have a pressing deadline and you really need to focus, but you find yourself lost down a rabbit hole of self sabotage...
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Bethan Winn
Mar 29, 20202 min read
Learning to dance in the rain: Re-framing problems to find solutions.
"Let's get our raincoats!" shouted my five year old. We had been sitting outside for a picnic to get some fresh air. We were on day 13 of...
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Bethan Winn
Dec 9, 20193 min read
I live in a retirement village. I'm 36. And I absolutely love it.
"It's like the opposite of instagram for your mental health"
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Bethan Winn
Nov 27, 20193 min read
When did you last sacrifice a pleasure for happiness?
Sunday evening I felt happy. Really, really happy. I finished a 2,000 word report for my Open University unit. The first formal study I'd do
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Bethan Winn
Nov 27, 20192 min read
Echo chambers: What are they and why we should be aware of them.
"Who knows what you're into best - your best friend, your partner, or your search bar?"
Echo chambers: What are they and why we should be a
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Practical ideas to sharpen your thinking and live your values.
No filler. No spam. Just useful stuff, when it's ready.
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