For Individuals
Want some thinking magic but don't have a team? No problem.
Having someone in your corner, to listen, support, advise, cheer you on, can be the difference between feeling zero and like a hero!
Bethan is offers a limited number of 'Thinking Sherpa' deep dive sessions, devoted to your challenge, strategy or concepts. Usually 4 hours together with follow up, one on one, focussed solely on YOU and your outcomes, with pre-agreed guarantee of what we will achieve in the session and within the following few days.
Past sessions have included:
Creating original IP and models, and nailing down structured stories for a keynote speaker;
Nutting out a business strategy, target audience, niche and business values;
Preparing for storytelling on a big stage by working through a self-limiting beliefs, nailing the story and rehearsal;
Applying problem solving frameworks to business challenges and sounding out solutions;
Coaching you through big career, business and life decisions and thinking through potential outcomes with you.
View some of the testimonials from past participants:

"Bethan is a engaged, thoughtful and experienced professional who is generous with her time, ideas and support. She teaches using creative and engaging activities which make you smile and learn at the same time. Highly recommend Bethan for her workshops or 1 to 1 coaching."
Teneeka was getting started in her transition from teaching to a consulting business model. We covered aspects of the change from self-belief, communicating value, making decisions and solving problems!
"I am delighted, but moreover I am grateful for your encouragement and support. Your words were the boost of belief I desperately needed. A heartfelt thank you."
Clare needed help to reframe her thinking and build her self-belief when applying for senior roles. After one session together, she flipped her thinking and changed her mindset and she got the next job!
Teneeka, one to one coaching client
Clare, a one to one personal coaching client
Practical ideas to sharpen your thinking and live your values.
No filler. No spam. Just useful stuff, when it's ready.