How do you train the human to train the AI?
That's been on my mind a lot as I've spent countless hours experimenting with and researching about ChatGPT.
I came up with an acronym I've found helpful (which I had to do myself as I've found it isn't very good at acronyms!)
(Old tech to help with new tech 😂)
So before you start a new request, make a note of these things:
P = Persona
A = Audience
P = Purpose
E = End product
R = Review and Refine
P = Persona
What 'voice' should it use?
The default is formal and dry, so add personality, tone, particular words.
Pro tip: Have your persona handy to cut and paste each time you start a new conversation.
A = Audience
First rule of good communication: Know your audience. Consider who will be reading and the appropriate style.
Pro tip: If in doubt, ask it to write for a year 7 or below - keep it simple!
P = Purpose
What is it for? Are you writing to Persuade? Reassure? Explain?
Pro tip: Be really specific about what you want and don't be afraid to play and refine.
E = End product
You can adapt it for the end product e.g. add formatting (heading / bold) use a 'hook' headline or give you hashtags for social media.
Pro tip: Give it 'top writing tips' from elsewhere e.g. "use power words and rhetorical questions."
R = Refine and Review
Read it carefully. ChatGPT is great but use critical thinking skills and your own judgement to check details before you hit send or publish.
Pro tip: Practice makes progress ;)
I've added a few hints and tips along the way, and I've got so much more to share in my first workshop with a professional services firm this week.
From tricky emails to reports, to meeting summaries to proposals and so much more, chatGPT has changed to way we work and communicate forever.
What are your favourite tips and hacks? What have I missed? Pop them in the comments below or reach out at
We're all on this journey together!
